Image centered on Ra. 11 : 20.3 (h:m)  Dec.+13 : 36 (deg:m)

M66 M65 and NGC 3628 ( Leo Trio )

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Information    The Leo Trio Is a relatively close grouping of  3 bright Galaxies in the Leo Constellation. In order to see all three in the same field of view only a medium powered telescope is required.

Optics and exposure info

 Nikon Zoom lens at 500mm fl.

Mount, Losmandy G11 with Gemini control electronics

Imager, Starlite-Xpress SXV-h9 using Astronomiks RGB and Schuler Ha optical filters.

Exposure data,  Luminance 90 minutes using 2 minute sub exposures  RGB 20 minutes each channel binned 2x2 , Astronomiks RGB filters

Images acquired with Astroart and aligned then combined in Maxim Dl. Final RGB composite processed with Photoshop Cs

Images acquired  from my backyard - " Dirt Clod Observatory" in Antelope California
