Image centered on Ra. 21 : 39.1 (hours : minutes)  Dec. +57 : 30 (degrees : minutes)

IC 1396

Full size Ha monochrome Image

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Information    Ic 1396 is a very large and  dim Emission Nebula in the constellation Cepheus. There are several interesting objects within IC1396 which includes Vdb 142 and a small star cluster. The Bright star to the lower left in this image is sometimes called the Garnet star due to it's incredible color (although not apparent in this black and white image)


Optics and exposure data

 Telescope, Nikon APO Zoom lens at 100mm

Mount, Losmandy G11 with Gemini control electronics

Imager, Starlite-Xpress SXV-h9 using Schuler Ha filter

Exposure , 90 minutes

Images acquired with Astroart and aligned then combined in Maxim Dl. Final RGB composite processed with Photoshop Cs

Images acquired  from my backyard - " Dirt Clod Observatory" in Antelope California
