Image Centered on Ra.05 : 40.9 (h:m) Dec. -02 : 28 (deg:m)

Horse Head  Flame and NGC2023 Wide field Image
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Monochrome Ha image

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Information    The above image is interesting because it has many objects in that are by sheer happenstance aligned in such a way as appear to be connected. Observations have shown that the very large glowing sheet of  gas in the background serves as an illuminating background on which the horsehead nebula which is a dark nebula is silhouetted against. The glowing Flame Nebula which is the large bright object in the lower left  is in front of the horsehead as well as the smaller glowing nebula (NGC2023) tucked between the Flame and the horsehead.

Optics and exposure data

Telescope, Takahashi Fs60c 60mm fluorite APO

Mount, Losmandy G11 with Gemini control electronics

Imager, Starlite-Xpress SXV-h9  schuler Ha and OIII filter

Exposure data, Ha and OIII 180 minutes each . Ha 18 at 10 minutes each and OIII 36 at 5 minutes each to produce a bicolor image.

Images acquired with Astroart and aligned then combined in Maxim Dl. Final RGB composite processed with Photoshop Cs

Images acquired  from my backyard - " Dirt Clod Observatory" in Antelope California
